TASSO Torquato (1544 – 1595)




  • Autore:

    TASSO Torquato (1544 – 1595)

  • Titolo:


  • Luogo: VENEZIA
  • Data: 1745
  • Formato: In-folio grande (mm 454 x 310)
  • Cfr. Bibliografico: Cfr. Gamba 948; Morazzoni 256 Radaeli: "Alcune note al Tasso del Piazzetta",1989

Prezzo: € 8.000,00

Descrizione prodotto

Legatura coeva veneziana in piena pelle.

(10), 258 pagine numerate (compreso il frontespizio).

Bellissima copia della prima edizione, occhietto, magnifica antiporta allegorica di elogio a Torquato Tasso  ncisa a piena pagina; frontespizio con titolo in rosso e nero e ampia vignetta incisa; 1 ritratto di Maria Teresa d'Austria inciso a piena pagina All'interno, 20  tavole del Piazzetta fuori testo.

Andrew  Robison: "Nothing will be lacking, neither in the correctness of the text, nor in the quality of the type, and of the paper: but above all I have endeavored to distinguish my edition with the singularity and perfection of more than sixty plates, all of different designs, drawn by the celebrated painter Piazzetta, and incised in copper by the most talented engravers. This printing will satisfy not only the poets, but also the painters, and the sculptors; and I expect that so many, and such fine ornamentations may never again be seen in any book" (quoted in Knox).  Haskell, Painters and Patrons, pp. 335-336: "Albrizzi's patronage of Piazzetta reached its climax in the most famous of all Venetian eighteenth-century books--the Gerusalemme Liberata... For this book Piazzetta produced some seventy drawings". 

Esemplare in ottimo stato di conservazione.





Contemporary venetian full calf, gilt decoration on the covers and on the spine. (10), 258 numbered pages. Half title, allegorical illustration; title-page with title in red and black; 1 portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria, aged, engraved on a full page. Inside, 20 engravings by Piazzetta out of text. Andrew Robison: “Nothing will be lacking, neither in the correctness of the text, nor in the quality of the type, and of the paper: but above all I have endeavored to distinguish my edition with the singularity and perfection of more than sixty covers, all of different designs, drawn by the celebrated painter Piazzetta, and incised in copper by the most talented engravers. This printing will satisfy not only the poets, but also the painters, and the sculptors; and I expect that so many, and such fine ornamentations may never again be seen in any book” (quoted in Knox). Copy in excellent condition.


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